SUMMARYThe strong discontinuity approach to modelling strain localization, combined with an enhanced strain element, has been used for more than a decade to model strain localization in materials including geomaterials. Most implementations of enhanced strain elements in the post-localization regime use very simple constitutive formulations along the discontinuity, such as linear softening or a constant friction coefficient. However, the softening relations can be much more complex for geomaterials. For rocks this softening is induced by micro-fractures coalescing into macroscopic cracks during a narrow time interval called 'slip weakening.' During this interval the cohesive resistance on the nucleating crack decays to zero while the frictional resistance increases. Furthermore, research has shown that the coefficient of friction for these materials is not constant, but in fact is a function both of the slip speed and the state of the material, including wear, temperature, and other factors. In this paper we augment the modelling capabilities of an enhanced strain element by incorporating a cohesive softening law and a popular rateand state-dependent friction model commonly used for describing the constitutive properties of rocks and rock-like materials sliding along the fractured surface.