For X a smooth, proper complex variety such that h 0,i X = 0, we show that for almost all primes p, the restriction of the mod p cohomology H i (X, Fp) to any Zariski open is nonzero. The proof uses the prismatic cohomology of Bhatt-Scholze.We use this result to obtain lower bounds on the p-essential dimension of covers of complex varieties. For example, we prove the p-incompressibility of the mod p homology cover of an abelian variety, confirming a conjecture of Brosnan for sufficiently large p. By combining these techniques with the theory of toroidal compactifications of Shimura varieties, we show that for any Hermitian symmetric domain X, there exist p-congruence covers that are p-incompressible.
Essential dimension and characteristic classes2.1. Review of mod p cohomology.
2.1.1.In this subsection we review the results we will need on de Rham and prismatic cohomology. We begin with the former, see Deligne-Illusie [DI, 4.2.3].Let k be a perfect field of characteristic p, and let X be a smooth k-scheme. Suppose that X is equipped with a normal crossings divisor D ⊂ X. Let Ω • X/k (logD) denote the logarithmic de Rham complex with poles in D.Let X 1 = X × Spec k,F k Spec k and let D 1 = D × Spec k,F k Spec k, where F k denotes the Frobenius on k. Let F X/k : X → X 1 denote the relative Frobenius; it is a finite flat map of k-schemes taking D to D 1 .