l ) = have a confluence = lead to a coinnion configuretion. l) This is what TURING [l] calls the 'complete configuration'. 2, i.e. in which at any time at most one move is possible. P , X , y , 2) + ( 3 , x , Yt T b , Y ) ) .Similarly by adding a 4th register to hold a number u and changing line 2 thus:we get a machine M,(y) satisfying: Lemma 3. For each r.e. degree a there exists a machine with confluence problem of degree a and solvable halting and derivability problems. Now take any 3 r.e. predicates A , (x), A , ( x ) , A,(z) with corresponding primitive recursive functions pl, v,, p13 and take a machine with 4 registers holding numbers x , y , z , u and a 6 line program consisting of the program M , ( v l ) followed by the program M , ( y 2 ) followed by M,(y3) [i.e. lines 1 , 2 are identical with lines 1 , 2 of M , (p,) , lines 3 , 4 identical with lines 1 , 2 of M , (y,) except that 'go t o 1' is replaced by 'go to 3' and lines 5 , 6 are identical with lines 1 , 2 of M3(p3) except that 'go to l', 'go to 2' are replaced respectively by 'go to B', 'go t o 6'1. We clearly get a program satisfying : if y ( z , y ) + 0 add 1 to z and go to 1.
2.Put u = 0, go to 2