We study modules over the ring C of complex generalized numbers from a topological point of view, introducing the notions of C-linear topology and locally convex C-linear topology. In this context particular attention is given to completeness, continuity of C-linear maps and elements of duality theory for topological C-modules. As main examples we consider various Colombeau algebras of generalized functions.
Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): 46F30, 13J99, 46A20.Key words: modules over the ring of complex generalized numbers, algebras of generalized functions, topology, duality theory.
IntroductionColombeau algebras of generalized functions have proved to be an analytically powerful tool in dealing with linear and nonlinear PDEs with highly singular coefficients [1-3, 8-10, 18, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 32-34, 36, 37, 41]. In the recent research on the subject a variety of algebras of generalized functions [3,12,13,17,19,22] have been introduced in addition to the original construction by Colombeau [6,7] and investigated in its algebraic and structural aspects as well as in analytic and applicative aspects. These investigations have produced a theory of point values in the Colombeau algebra G( ) and results of invertibility and positivity in the ring of constant generalized functions C [19, 38, 39] but also microlocal analysis in Colombeau algebras and regularity theory for generalized solutions to partial and (pseudo-)differential equations [11,13,15,16,[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Apart from some early and inspiring work by Biagioni, Pilipović, Scarpalézos [1,32,[46][47][48], topological questions have played a marginal role in the existing Colombeau literature. However, the recent papers on pseudodifferential operators acting on algebras of generalized functions [13,15,16] and a preliminary kernel theory introduced in