This article addresses linear hyperbolic partial differential equations and pseudodifferential equations with strongly singular coefficients and data, modelled as members of algebras of generalised functions. We employ the recently developed theory of generalised Fourier integral operators to construct parametrices for the solutions and to describe propagation of singularities in this setting. As required tools, the construction of generalised solutions to eikonal and transport equations is given and results on the microlocal regularity of the kernels of generalised Fourier integral operators are obtained.This section gives some background on Colombeau techniques used in the sequel of this paper. As main sources we refer to [8,11,12,15].Nets of complex numbers. A net (u ε ) ε in C (0,1] is said to be strictly nonzero if there exist r > 0 and η ∈ (0, 1] such that |u ε | ≥ ε r for all ε ∈ (0, η]. For several regularity issues we will make use of the concept of slow scale net (s.s.n). A slow scale net is a net (r ε ) ε ∈ C (0,1] such thatA net (u ε ) ε in C (0,1] is said to be slow scale-strictly nonzero if there exist a slow scale net (s ε ) ε and η ∈ (0, 1] such that |u ε | ≥ 1/s ε for all ε ∈ (0, η].C-modules of generalised functions based on a locally convex topological vector space. The most common algebras of generalised functions of Colombeau type as well as the spaces of generalised symbols we deal with are introduced by referring to the following general models.Let E be a locally convex topological vector space topologised through the family of seminorms {p i } i∈I .