This paper is devoted to strictly hyperbolic systems and equations with non-smooth coefficients. Below a certain level of smoothness, distributional solutions may fail to exist. We construct generalised solutions in the Colombeau algebra of generalised functions. Extending earlier results on symmetric hyperbolic systems, we introduce generalised strict hyperbolicity, construct symmetrisers, prove an appropriate Gårding inequality and establish existence, uniqueness and regularity of generalised solutions. Under additional regularity assumptions on the coefficients, when a classical solution of the Cauchy problem (or of a transmission problem in the piecewise regular case) exists, the generalised solution is shown to be associated with the classical solution (or the piecewise classical solution satisfying the appropriate transmission conditions).
Basic notionsThis section collects some preliminary notions concerning the different kinds of nets and of quotient spaces used in the paper. For the sake of brevity we mainly report definitions and basic properties, referring to [13], [14], [18], [34] for further details.
Colombeau theory
Nets of numbers.A net (u ε ) ε in C (0,1] is said to be strictly nonzero if there exist r > 0 and η ∈ (0, 1] such that |u ε | ≥ ε r for all ε ∈ (0, η].