Indonesia already has policies that pay attention to environmental aspects so that the development can keep running by maintaining the natural conditions. One of the policies that have been made is green banking. The green banking policy requires the support of stakeholders who have a role as an enforcer. This study uses a quantitative approach to measure the implementation of funds used by banks in the financing of industrial projects. The database is based on the Sustainable Equity and Responsible Investment (SRI) index -KEHATI, one of the indices that the indicator of stock price movement in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), but focus on banking data practicing green banking system. The result of this study shows that the bank has a responsibility to the environmental risks of the project to be run by the company where the investment funds or lending of the bank. The green banking policy requires the support of stakeholders who have a role as an enforcer. Stakeholders in green banking are groups of people or individuals who have an essential part to achieve goals, and Sustainable development can be realized well if this policy is implemented, not just a formal requirement in following the current international trend.