“…If we now use (18a) and (18b) in the LHS of (15) and (16a) and (16b) in the RHS of (15) and cancel the common factor of A, we find with some additional manipulation where C = sinh yL( + i) (sinh y L ( -;))* For the case of bulk modulation (gain 'coupling), m # 0, K = 0, we proceed somewhat differently. Starting from (15), we replace the LHS with the values of R,,, and Sou, as determined by (1 6a) and (1 6b) in the RHS of (15) and factoring out the common term of A , we find Equations (19) and (20) can be solved using a relatively simple numerical integration, and similar equations for the mode detuning 6 can be found, but as we will show in the next section, 6 changes relatively little from its threshold value when the DFB laser is operated above threshold.…”