KEY WORDSPoly(styrene-block-isoprene)s / Poly(styrene-block-2-vinylpyridine)s / FlowInduced Alignment / Lamellae / First Normal Stress Difference / [doi:10.1295/polymj.PJ2006158] In previous papers, [1][2][3][4][5] we reported viscoelastic properties and flow-induced structure of symmetric poly(styrene-block-2-vinylpyridine)s (SP) and poly-(styrene-d 8 -block-2-vinylpyridine)s (DP) in a common good solvent, -chloronaphtharene (-CN) and poly(styrene-block-isoprene)s (SI) and poly(styrened 8 -block-isoprene)s (DI) in dioctyl phthalate (DOP) near the order-disorder transition (ODT). Note that viscoelastic properties of components of DP and SP are almost the same. 6 Characteristic behaviors of viscoelastic properties in the quiescent ordered states are observed in shear rate dependence of first normal stress difference N 1 . That is, N 1 is proportional to shear rate _ at low _ but N 1 become proportional to _ 2 at high _ . 1,4 An exceptional behavior was observed for DP and SP solutions just above ODT concentration, C ODT . There was no apparent change in the _ dependence of N 1 ; _ dependence of N 1 was slightly lower than _ 2 in the whole range of tested shear rate. Flow-induced structure of DP 2-4 and DI 5 solutions are studied by small angle neutron scattering under steady shear flow (flow-SANS). The data for both samples are compared in connection with the difference of viscoelastic properties of components.5 It is observed for DI solutions 5 that parallel and perpendicular alignments of lamellae, in which lamellar normals are parallel to shear gradient and vorticity directions, respectively, coexist at low _ and the latter become dominant at high _ at a certain concentration C. The perpendicular alignments become dominant with decrease of C. For DP solutions, coexistence of parallel and perpendicular alignments are only observed at low _ for relatively high C, 2 while only perpendicular alignment was observed at lower C near the ODT.
2-4From above results, it was concluded that the parallel alignment becomes minor near the ODT and/or high _ and such tendency is pronounced for the samples whose viscosity ratio of components is close to 1.5 At the same time, it was reported that the degree of perpendicular alignment is primarily determined by effective interaction parameters, ðNÞ eff and reduced shear rates, _ = _ Ã , irrespective of the components' viscosity ratio, where _ Ã is the critical _ for non-Newtonian behavior.
5Time slice measurements of SANS after the cessation of flow revealed that anisotropic scattering peak reflecting the perpendicular alignment still remains more than the half of initial value after 3 h rest for a DP solution 2 wt % higher than C ODT 7 and a DI solution 0.3 wt % higher than C ODT , 8 while that for a DP solution 0.5 wt % above C ODT disappear instantaneously after the cessation of flow.3 These differences in stability of aligned structure for DP and DI solutions may not be simply explained by the difference in fluctuation and/or relaxation times. Consideration of other factor...