The study evaluated the production of pods and green grains in garden peas in relation to some biostimulating substances. The experiment was organized in the area of Aldesti locality, Arad County, Romania. Four pea varieties were cultivated: Vidra 187 (a1), Udina (a2), Ișalnița (a3), and Marifon (a4). Three biostimulators were used: Fabo (b2), Bionat (b3), Lithovit (b4), tested together with a control variant (b1). From the combination of the two factors, 16 experimental variants resulted. A logical scheme was designed for the experimental flow. According to PCA, correlation, in relation to Pgp (peas green pods), Pgp Q1 (peas green pods quality I) and Gp (green peas grains), as biplot, PC1 explained 86.788% of variance, and PC2 explained 13.079% of variance. The cluster analysis led to the dendrogram of grouping the variants based on similarity in relation to the considered parameters. The regression analysis led to models of equations and graphs (3D, isoquants) regarding the variation of Gp in relation to Pgp and Pgp Q1. The a2b4 variant facilitated the best values for the analyzed parameters (Pgs, Pgs Q1, Gp).