Appendix m!(nl)! Consider a fixed molecular core geometry with m equivalent sites, each of which can be occupied by any one of n different metals. The number of possible metal stoichiometries is given by eq A I . The total number of discrete molecules, N , dependson the core geometry. Examples: (1) N = 24 when n = 4 for the trinuclear core structures VA and VB (Table V); (2) N = 36 when n = 4 for the tetrahedral core structure I11 (Table VI). The combination of [Fe"(OPPh3)4](C104)2 with HOOH, m-C1C6H4C(0)OOH, Me3COOH, PhIO, PhI(OAc)2, Bu4N(I04), 03, or NaOCl in anhydrous acetonitrile results in the formation of the binuclear complex [(Ph3P0)4FeOOFe(OPPh3)4.2H20] (C104)4(1). The same material is produced from the addition of HOOH plus two -OH ions to [Fe"'(Ph,P0)4](C104)3 in acetonitrile. The complex has been characterized by elemental analysis, electronic, vibrational, and ESR spectroscopy, solid-and solution-phase magnetic susceptibility measurements, and electrochemistry. Mechanistic pathways are proposed for the formation of 1 and for its reactivity with halide ions. The relative stability of the cis and trans isomers of the disubstituted d6 metal carbonyls M(C0)4L2 (M = Cr, Mo and L = NH3, PH,, C2H4) and M(CO)4LL' (M = Mo, L = C2H4, L' = CH2) has been studied theoretically through ab initio SCF calculations.Correlation effects were studied for Cr(CO),L2 with L = NH,, PH,, C2H4 through CAS S C F (complete active space SCF) calculations. The results may be summarized as follows: (i) for M(CO),L2, with L = NH,, PH,, the cis isomer is more stable than the trans one; (ii) for M(C0)4L2 with L = C2H4 or M(CO),LL' with L = C2H4 and L' = CH2, the trans isomer is more stable than the cis one; (iii) going from Cr to Mo increases the stability of the cis isomer for L = NH,, PH3 but decreases it for L = C2H4. These theoretical results are in excellent agreement with the bulk of structural data. The results for L = NH,, PH3 are understood easily in terms of competition for 7 back-bonding, but no simple rationale emerges for the greater stability of the trans structure in the case of ethylene or carbene ligands.