Recent developments in the design and fabrication of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have allowed access to wideranging applications in computing, 1,2 photovoltaics, 3,4 photonics, 5,6 and energy harvesting and conversion. 7,8 For these applications to be optimally realized, an unprecedentedly high degree of control over the placement, shape, density or number, and size of QDs is required. 9,10 Detailed knowledge and a detailed understanding of how the QDs are created and especially their interactions with the local environment are therefore essential to achieving this high level of control on an otherwise random growth process. To date, QDs have been created largely using "self-assembly" techniques, i.e., through random, nonlithographically controlled nucleation and growth. 11,12 A large ensemble of randomly distributed QDs is acceptable for the fabrication of QD laser and nanocrystal memory devices, but not appropriate for creating novel single-QD devices such as single-photon sources or single-electron devices. These devices