Self-heating has emerged as an important performance/reliability challenge for modern MOSFETs. The challenge is further acerbated for III-V transistors, especially when integrated monolithically in a 3-D platform for applications in ultrafast logic, imagers, etc. A key challenge is the difficulty of heat-dissipation through the ultra-thin channels needed to ensure electrostatic integrity of scaled transistors. In this paper, we demonstrate an innovative use of a heat-dissipating shunt of Ni-InGaAs on InGaAs(111) in the S/D extension region, as well as the use of high-conductivity Mo contact to simultaneously improve electrical and thermal stability and heat dissipation in III-V transistors, such that the peak channel temperature is reduced by as much as 25%-30%. Given the exponential temperature sensitivity of transistor reliability, heat shunts will improve transistor lifetime significantly.