Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain a peel off gel facial mask preparation from Arabica coffee fruit peel extract that meets the requirements and to determine the antioxidant activity of Arabica coffee fruit peel extract and peel off gel facial mask preparation from coffee fruit peel extract
Methods: In this study, three formulations of peel off gel facial mask were made with 3 variations in the concentration of coffee fruit peel extract, namely F1 (1%), F2 (2%), and F3 (3%). Furthermore, the preparation was evaluated for 28 d of storage at room temperature (25-30 °C) and cold temperature (8 °C) which included organoleptic, pH, spreading ability, homogeneity, viscosity, dry time, and antioxidant activity.
Results: The results of the evaluation showed that F1, F2, and F3 met the requirements which included organoleptic, pH, spreading ability, homogeneity, viscosity, and dry time. The antioxidant activity of the coffee fruit peel extract was very strong (IC50 17.36 µg/ml). The antioxidant activity in the peel off gel facial mask sample of formula F1 (IC50 75.63 µg/ml) and formula F2 (IC50 50.71 µg/ml) was strong, and for formula F3 was very strong (IC50 21.44 µg/ml).
Conclusion: All formulas met the evaluation requirements, arabica coffee fruit peel extract and peel of gel facial mask preparation (F3) have very strong antioxidant activity.