Ulcers are characterized histologically as a part in the mucosa of the GI tract through the muscularis mucosae into the submucosa or more inside part of GI trat mucous membrane. Ulcer can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract contact with more secretion of acid peptic juices [1]. The gastric ulcer are generalized into Aphthous ulcers, Esophageal ulcers and Peptic ulcer based on their affected area in gastrointestinal tract in mouth, throat and stomach or the duodenum separately [2]. These are three kinds for example Aphthous ulcers create within the lips and cheeks or underneath the tongue. They are also called aphthae, aphthosis, aphthous stomatitis and infection. Mouth ulcers are generally have family ancestry (up to 40%) and are ordinarily because of injury (in view of not appropriate fi tting of false teeth, broke teeth, or fi llings),anemia, measles, viral contamination, oral candidiasis, incessant diseases, throat malignant growth, mouth malignant growth and vitamin B defi ciency [3,4]. Esophageal ulcers are injuries that happen toward the fi nish of throat because of Gastroesophageal Refl ux Sickness (GERD) with 10 % frequency. They can be produce pain directly underneath the breastbone [5,6]. Peptic ulcer are chronic, frequently develop lesions that happen in any part of the gastrointestinal tract due to the more amount of secretion of acid peptic juices. Peptic ulcer develop in a number of part of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) which is exposed to gastric acid and pepsin, for example the stomach and duodenum. Peptic ulcers generally induced in rodents by physiological, pharmacological or other surgical medicines which have etiological signifi cance for stimulation of peptic ulcers. A few models are referenced in following which utilized