1IntroductionAt present, deterreda nd/orc oating technology have been widely usedi nt ailoring the properties of propellants, which can simultaneously depress the ignition ability and initial burning gas generation while achieve theirc ombustion progressivity [1][2][3][4][5].W ith rapid advancing of nanotechnology,nanomaterials play amore importantrole in the development of insensitive and good comprehensive performance, including the progressiveb urning,a nti-erosion, of propellants to meet the requirementso fh igh loading density tank [ 2,6].S tudies have shownt hata ddition of as mall amount of nanomaterialsi nto the propellant could achieve the above mentioned requirements on the basis of without change or less change its otherp erformances [7][8][9].For example, Song and co-workers [7] applied ananomaterial into propellants to increase the service life of ag un barrel and the results have confirmed that the anti-erosion properties of propellants containing nanomaterials can be improved, thus the service life of the gun barrel was prolonged.Recently,f luoropolymers have attracted considerable interest as surface modifying agents due to their low surface energy [10][11][12][13].T his phenomenon has been reported to be greatly correlated to the migration of the fluorine atom towards the air/solid interface, resulting in agradient distribution of the fluorine atom along the cross section of the matrix, thereby enhancing the surface properties of materi-als [14].Consequently,anumber of papers deal with the incorporation of suchm olecules in polymers to improve its surface performance. Zhao and co-workers [15] showed that polybutylene adipate glycol (PBA)c ontaining af luorinated block can efficiently partitiont owards the surface to form ap hase separation structure.