Circadian clocks control the timing of animal behavior rhythms to anticipate daily environmental changes. Fruit flies gradually increase their activity and reach a peak of activity around dawn and dusk. microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that play important roles in post-transcriptional regulation. Here we identify Drosophila miR-210 as a critical regulator of circadian rhythms. Under light-dark conditions, flies lacking miR-210 (miR-210 KO ) exhibit a dramatic phase advance of evening anticipatory behavior about 2 hours. However, circadian rhythms and molecular pacemaker function are intact in miR-210 KO flies under constant darkness. Furthermore, we identify that miR-210 determines the evening phase of activity through repression of the cell adhesion molecule Fasciclin 2 (Fas2). Ablation of the miR-210 binding site within the 3' UTR of Fas2 (Fas2 ΔmiR-210 ) by CRISPR-Cas9 advances the evening phase as in miR-210 KO .Indeed, miR-210 genetically interacts with Fas2. Moreover, Fas2 abundance is significantly increased in the optic lobe of miR-210 . In addition, overexpression of Fas2 in the miR-210 expressing cells recapitulates the phase advance behavior phenotype of miR-210 KO . Together, these results reveal a novel mechanism by which miR-210 regulates circadian locomotor behavior.
Author summaryCircadian clocks control the timing of animal physiology. Drosophila has been a powerful model in understanding the mechanisms of circadian regulation. Fruit flies anticipate daily environmental changes and exhibit two peaks of locomotor activity around dawn and dusk. Here we identify miR-210 as a critical regulator of evening anticipatory behavior. Depletion of miR-210 in flies advances evening anticipation. Futhermore, we identify the cell adhesion molecular Fas2 as miR-210's target in circadian regulation.Fas2 abundance is increased in fly brain lacking of miR-210. Using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing method, we deleted the miR-210 binding site on 3' untranslated region of Fas2 and observed similar phenotype as miR-210 mutants. Altogether, our results indicate a novel mechanism of miR-210 in regulation of circadian anticipatory behavior through inhibition of Fas2.
IntroductionThe circadian locomotor rhythms of flies are generated by a neuronal network, which consists of ~150 brain circadian neurons expressing core pacemaker genes [1][2][3][4]. These neurons can be further divided into 7 clusters based on their cell localization and neurotransmitters they express [4]. There are 3 groups of dorsal neurons (DN1, DN2, and DN3), 2 groups of ventral-lateral neurons (large and small LNv), dorsal lateral neurons (LNd), and lateral posterior neurons (LPN) [4]. The large LNvs (lLNvs) and 4 small LNvs (sLNvs) express the neuropeptide Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF), while the 5 th sLNv is PDF negative. Under regular light-dark (LD) conditions, flies exhibit a bimodal pattern of locomotor rhythms, peaking around dawn and dusk, which are termed morning peak and evening peak, respectively. According to the dual-oscillator model, sep...