Many biochemical events within a cell need to be timed properly to occur at specific times of day, after other events have happened within the cell or in response to environmental signals. The cellular biochemical feedback loops that time these events have already received much recent attention in the experimental and modeling communities. Here, we show how ideas from signal processing can be applied to understand the function of these clocks. Consider two signals from the network sðtÞ and rðtÞ, either two variables of a model or two experimentally measured time courses. We show how sðtÞ can be decomposed into two parts, the first being a function of rðtÞ, and the second the derivative of a function of rðtÞ. Geometric principles are then derived that can be used to understand when oscillations appear in biochemical feedback loops, the period of these oscillations, and their time course. Specific examples of this theory are provided that show how certain networks are prone or not prone to oscillate, how individual biochemical processes affect the period, and how oscillations in one chemical species can be deduced from oscillations in other parts of the network.biochemical clocks | circadian rhythms | gene networks | biological time M any biological systems perform specific functions at specific times (1). On a 24-h (circadian) timescale, intracellular circadian clocks trigger biological events to occur at specific times of the day. Faster, noncircadian clocks properly time many other events, such as those that occur in development, in cell division, and in metabolism (2-7). Our knowledge of both of these types of clocks has grown tremendously in the past two decades with new experimental techniques, a growing library of mathematical models (8, 9), and even the building of synthetic cellular clocks (10, 11).However, in each of these cellular clocks, many genes and proteins work together in complex ways to produce oscillations. A new challenge has arisen in incorporating all these recent results into a mathematical theory that can be used along with computation and experimentation (12) to better understand the system's behavior. One possibility, recently advocated by Sontag for biological clocks (13), is to use ideas from signal processing and Hilbert space. Although this approach has been around for over 30 y (2), it has received limited attention with respect to biological clocks, probably because the biochemistry of clocks is often nonlinear (14), and most techniques consider linear systems (15). Here, we use these mathematical ideas to determine how to relate different oscillating elements in a genetic network.In this current study, we draw upon this approach to show that oscillating signals in nonlinear biochemical clocks obey geometric properties. We apply these properties to three questions of wide study: (i) When are oscillations possible in biochemical feedback loops? (ii) How do individual components of the biochemical feedback loops determine the period? (iii) How does one element of the feedback loop in...