Boron carbide is of interest because of its potential application in protective systems both for personnel and structures. Therefore it is necessary to determine its mechanical response when subjected to impact loading. The present work was undertaken to determine tensile/spall strength of boron carbide under plane shock wave loading and to analyze all available shock compression data on boron carbide materials obtained from different sources. The principal conclusions are: (1) the tensile/spall strength of boron carbide when shocked between 2 and 15 GPa is 0.35 ± 0.07 GPa, (2) the existing shock compression data indicates that boron carbide tends to suffer a gradual loss of its shear strength as the magnitude of shock stress exceeds its Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL), i.e., 15-20 GPa, (3) the underlying reason or reasons for the inferred loss of shear strength under plane shock wave compression remains to be investigated, and (4) a general equation of state for boron carbide in its ambient phase is formulated which can adequately represent its hydrodynamic compression up to a strain of 0.25, i.e., to a maximum stress around 70 GPa.u