It is shown that in transient chaos there is no direct relation between averages in a continuos time dynamical system (flow) and averages using the analogous discrete system defined by the corresponding Poincaré map. In contrast to permanent chaos, results obtained from the Poincaré map can even be qualitatively incorrect. The reason is that the return time between intersections on the Poincaré surface becomes relevant. However, after introducing a true-time Poincaré map, quantities known from the usual Poincaré map, such as conditionally invariant measure and natural measure, can be generalized to this case. Escape rates and averages, e.g. Liapunov exponents and drifts can be determined correctly using these novel measures. Significant differences become evident when we compare with results obtained from the usual Poincaré map.Extensive investigations of chaotic systems in recent years have demonstrated the great importance of transient chaos, due mainly to its connection with transport phenomena [1-3] and chaotic advection [4], possibly associated with chemical reactions [5]. In most chaotic systems it is sufficient to know the intersection points of the trajectories with a chosen surface P , the so-called Poincaré surface. In case of N -dimensional phase space P is N − 1-dimensional. Using a coordinate system on P , and finding the connection between the successive intersections x n and x n+1 the Poincaré map (P M ) can be constructed asThe behavior of the system can then be studied by iteration of this map. The advantages of the use of P M are (i) it is discrete, (ii) it has smaller dimension. Its disadvantage is the absence of the close connection between the number of intersections n and the time t, since the return time τ between two intersections depends generically on where a trajectory intersects. One can keep this information by completing the P M with the equationWe call this extended map the true-time Poincaré map (T P M ). Usually, one reduces to the P M by the following argument: The total time after n iterations is given by the sum of the corresponding return times τ (x). It is generally assumed that for large n and for typical trajectories the terms in the sum can be replaced by their average over the invariant density ρ P of the map. The sum then becomes a product [6] Based on this connection, averages of the map (using n for time) and the flow (using the real time t) would be simply related by a time scale. This is explicitly shown for general averages in case of permanent (non-transient) chaos [7]. We demonstrate in this paper that, in contrast to permanent chaos, the situation is quite different for transient chaos. Not only τ in Eq. (3) should be changed, but averages of the map and the flow (or of the T P M representing it) are not any more related by a time scale. The situation is somewhat reminiscent of the case when, instead of simple averages, the decay rates of correlations are considered. Even in permanent chaos, these show a discrepancy in non-ideal situations [8]. To proceed in a c...