Beamforming is a signal processing technique with numerous benefits. Unlike with omni-directional communications, it focuses the energy of the transmitted and/or the received signal in a particular direction. Although beamforming has been extensively studied on conventional systems such as WiFi, little is known about its practical impact on OFDMA femtocell deployments. Since OFDMA schedules multiple clients (users) in the same frame (in contrast to WiFi), designing intelligent scheduling mechanisms and at the same time leveraging beamforming, is a challenging task.Unlike downlink, we show that the integration of beamforming with uplink scheduling projects an interesting trade-off between beamforming gain on the one hand, and the power pooling gain resulting from joint multi-user scheduling on the other hand. This, in turn, makes the uplink scheduling problem even hard to approximate. To address this, we propose algorithms that are simple to implement, yet provably efficient with a worst case guarantee of half. We implement our solutions on a real WiMAX femtocell platform integrated with an eight-element phased array beamforming antenna. Evaluations from both prototype implementation and trace-driven simulations show that our solution delivers throughput gains of over 40% compared to an omni-directional scheme.