1I ntroductionSodium ion batteries (SIBs) have been regarded as an attractive category among next-generation batteries.[1] Since lithium and sodium have similar electronic configurations, belonging to Group 1, they share similar physical and chemical properties.T hus,t he well-developed synthetic protocols and characterization methods of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) have been efficiently applied to construct sodium-based analogues.[2] However, thermodynamic and kinetic dissimilarities are also observed. Ther adius of Na + ion (102 pm) is about 1.34 times larger than that of Li + ion (76 pm). Thet wo alkali metals have different redox potentials (À3.04 and À2.71 Vv s. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) for lithium and sodium, respectively). Moreover, they show different bonding energies.F or example,t he formation energy of Li 2 O( À 599 kJ/mol) is much greater than that of Na 2 O( À418 kJ/mol).Recently,t he group of Ceder investigated alkali-metalion-based insertion chemistry in terms of diffusion barrier, phase stability,a nd voltage difference.[1b] Va rious transition-metal-based compounds were examined, including layered AMO 2 and AMS 2 (A = Li, Na;M = Co,N i, Ti), olivines,m aricites, as well as sodium superionic conductors (NASICONs). Surprisingly,t hey demonstrated that sodium ion migration barriers could be lower than that for lithium ion migration by utilizing the layered compounds as host materials.A lthough various metal sulfides have been examined as hosts of lithium-ion intercalation for rechargeable batteries, [3] there have been few reports on sodium-ion rechargeable batteries with transition metal sulfides (TMS) as electrode materials.[4]Herein, we first compare inorganic fullerene-like MoS 2 (IF-MoS 2 )a nd Re-doped MoS 2 (Re:IF-MoS 2 )n anopartiAbstract:S odium ion batteries (SIBs) are considered as ap romising alternative to threaten the reign of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) among various next-generation rechargeable energy storage systems, including magnesium ion, metalÀ air,a nd metalÀsulfur batteries. Since both sodium and lithium are located in Group 1o ft he periodic table, they share similar (electro)chemical properties with regard to ionization pattern, electronegativity,a nd electronic configuration; thus the vast number of compounds developed from LIBs can provide guidance to design electrode materials for SIBs. However,t he larger ionic radius of the sodium cation and unique (de)sodiation processes may also lead to uncertainties in terms of thermodynamic or kinetic properties. Herein, we present the first construction of SIBs based on inorganic fullerene-like (IF) MoS 2 nanoparticles. Closedshell-type structures, represented by C 60 fullerene, have largely been neglected for studies of alkali-metal hosting materials due to their inaccessibility for intercalating ions into the inner spaces. However,I F-MoS 2 ,w ith faceted surfaces, can diffuse sodium ions through the defective channels, thereby allowing reversible sodium ion intercalation/deintercalation. Interestingly,R e-doped MoS...