Tlie present study compared the effects of content, process, and passive types of third party intervention on tlic bargaining behavior of pairs of group representatives. The setting was a simuhted school board-teachers' union dispute over a new contract. Each side \vas represented by one person who ivas instructed t o bargain tenaciously and to obtain as niuch as possible. The j o b of the representatives was either in jeopardy (high accountability) or not (low accountability). In the content intervention condition, a reasonable settlement was suggested t o the representatives by the third party. In the process intervention condition, he taught them how t o paraphrase. In the passive condition h e had them take a break from their negothtions. For the high accountable representatives, as predicted, the order of effectiveness of the interventions (number of agreements, average joint profit, and speed of resolution), from most to least, was content, process, and passive. Contrary to expectations, the process intervention did not produce the highest average joint profit for thc low accountability representatives. The representatives who did reach agreement in the low accounbbility process and content conditions, however. achieved higher joint profits than the representatives in the passive condition. Directions for further research wcrc indicated.