Previously reported data for fusion of the 8 B + ( 58 Ni, 28 Si) systems are critically reviewed. New α particle data from the fusion of 8 B + 58 Ni also are reported, but the paper is mostly based on using realistic calculations of well established codes to reanalyze the previous data. The influence of breakup protons on the evaporation proton measurements for the heavier system is found to be small at all energies except for the lowest one measured, and corrections are made for this process. Possible model dependencies in the deduced fusion cross sections are investigated using three different evaporation codes. The data sets for the 58 Ni and 28 Si targets are shown to be consistent with each other and with fusion enhancement up to energies that are greater than the Coulomb barrier V b (E c.m. < ∼ V b + 1.5×hω). This limit corresponds to 6.2 MeV above the barrier for the 58 Ni target. An important difference with the behaviour of neutron-halo systems is thus confirmed.PACS numbers: 25.60. Pj ,