technology of materials, lasers, semiconductors, superconductors technology of materials, lasers, semiconductors, superconductors V 1500
-252GaAs/InGaP Selective Etching in BCl 3 /SF 6 High-Density Plasmas.-Selectivities of ¿200 for GaAs over InGaP and etch rates ¿1 µm/min are achieved in inductively coupled plasmas of BCl 3 /SF 6 or BCl 3 /SF 6 /He at moderate ion fluxes and low ion energies. Ion-induced damage of InGaP is also minimized under these conditions. -(HAYS, D. C.; CHO, H.; LEE, J. W.; DEVRE, M. W.; REELFS, B. H.; JOHNSON, D.; SASSERATH, J. N.; MEYER, L. C.; TOUSSAINT, E.; REN, F.; ET AL.; Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2 (1999) 11, 587-588; Dep. Mater. Sci. Eng., Univ. Fla., Gainesville, FL 32611, USA; EN)