Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is amongst the oldest plants cultivated for its utilization as food and medicine. It is an incredible plant with numerous useful impacts such as antithrombotic, antimicrobial, antiarthritic, antitumor, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities. The present review will focus on large preclinical utilization of garlic in the prevention and cure of cancer. Various studies have showed the chemopreventive action of this agent by means of various garlic mixtures together with garlic oil, garlic extract and various organosulfur compounds. The chemo-preventive action has been ascribed to the existence of these organosulfur compounds in garlic. It is not fully stated that how this is accomplished, yet a number of methods of action have been projected. These comprise its impact on antioxidant properties, inhibition of tumor growth and drug metabolizing enzymes. The majority of these studies were conducted in the animal models. Moreover, current investigations have concentrated on the antimutagenic action of garlic. Newly, it has been noticed that mature garlic extract displays the scavenging activities with the help of two compounds as S-allylmercapto-Lcysteine and S-allylcystine. Furthermore, various organosulfur compounds obtained from garlic, together with S-allylcystine have been found to hinder the intensification of transplantable and tumors induced chemically in animal models. Thus, the use of garlic may give an assurance of protection from cancer advancement.