Operating Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFC) under high current density conditions, causes significant losses related to liquid water saturation in the gas diffusion layer (GDL). The blockage of pores inside the material has a strong influence on its effective gas transport properties. Here we report on the combination of in-situ X-ray tomographic microscopy (XTM) of PEFC and the numerical determination of gas transport properties using Lattice Boltzmann and finite difference methods. The GDL domains (Toray TGP-H-060) of two identical cells, each with 11 mm 2 active area, were analyzed in sections of about 0.3 to 0.8 mm 2 size. Saturation levels between 0.1 and 0.4 were found, with higher saturation under the ribs. The saturated and the non-saturated states of the GDL samples were compared in order to quantify the dependence of gas phase permeability and effective relative diffusivity on liquid water saturation. Both these relative measures were found to follow power relationships of (1 − s) λ , where the exponent λ was approximately 3 for all cases except for the in-plane diffusivity where it was closer to 2.Performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) at high current densities is limited by mass transport losses associated with the presence of liquid water in the porous structures. In the gas diffusion layers (GDL) this issue is particularly relevant.The porous GDL structure allows collecting current under the flow field channels and provides access for the gases under the ribs. 1 This requires a high permeability and relative diffusivity in the pore space and a high conductivity in the solid. GDLs, made from carbon fibers with diameters in the order of typically 6-8 μm, have porosities around 75% and the internal surface is treated with hydrophobing agents. The formation and transport of liquid water in the GDL is thus governed by its internal structure and surface properties, and the presence of liquid water in the pore space of the GDL influences its gas transport properties. At high current density and/or moderate temperature conditions, the oxygen transport in the cathode GDL is particularly affected, which may lead to significant overvoltages. 2,3The effective relative diffusivity of GDLs has been determined with sulphuric acid filled samples and an electrochemical method. 4,5 LaManna et al. 6 have obtained the effective relative diffusivity in a test cell by inducing mass transfer using a concentration gradient of water vapor. These methods however fail to produce saturation dependent results. Opposite to the experimental methods, effective medium theory was used to describe the diffusion through a porous medium consisting of packed spheres. 7 Later, numerical models yielded similar relations particularly for hydrophobic fibrous materials such as the GDL. Tomadakis and Sotirchos 8 used Monte-Carlo simulations in fiber structures and found that the effective relative diffusivity was strongly dependent on the fiber orientation. Nam and Kaviany 9 extended the work of Tomadakis and Sotirchos 8 and...