Gd 55 Al 25 Cu 10 Co 10 bulk metallic glass (BMG) was prepared by copper mold blow casting method with different superheat temperatures. Polarization tests, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were used to study the influence of superheat treatment on corrosion resistance of Gd 55 Al 25 Cu 10 Co 10 in 3.5% NaCl solution at room temperature. The potentiodynamic polarization analysis shows that the corrosion resistance ability of Gd-based BMG after superheat treatment at different superheat temperatures ranks: 1105℃>1214℃>1066℃>919℃, which agrees well with that of EIS data. In addition, the SEM results reveal that the corrosion products gradually become more uniform for Gd-based BMG at higher superheat temperature and exhibits the best at 1105℃, which shows better corrosion resistance ability. Also, it is interesting that there exists no corrosion pits for all Gd-based BMG. The EDS and XPS results reveal that corrosion resistance has a positive relation with highly corrosion-resistance oxides of corrosion products. It is also found that corrosion resistance ability is in accordance with glass-forming ability (GFA). All these results are considered to be related to the more uniform and homogeneous microstructure after superheat treatment with the increasing superheat temperature.