In this paper, we consider argumentation frameworks with sets of attacking arguments (SETAFs) due to Nielsen and Parsons, an extension of Dung's abstract argumentation frameworks that allow for collective attacks. We first provide a comprehensive analysis of the expressiveness of SETAFs under conflict-free, naive, stable, complete, admissible, preferred, semi-stable, and stage semantics. Our analysis shows that SETAFs are strictly more expressive than Dung AFs. Towards a uniform characterization of SETAFs and Dung AFs we provide general results on expressiveness which take the maximum degree of the collective attacks into account. Our results show that, for each k > 0, SETAFs that allow for collective attacks of k + 1 arguments are more expressive than SETAFs that only allow for collective attacks of at most k arguments.
W. Dvořák et al. / On the expressive power of collective attacks
PreliminariesWe first introduce formal definitions of argumentation frameworks following [6,16] and then recall the relevant work on signatures.
Argumentation frameworks with collective attacksThroughout the paper, we assume a countably infinite domain A of possible arguments.The collection of all SETAFs (resp. k-SETAFs) over A is given as AF A (resp. AF k A ).We shall call 1-SETAFs, i.e. SETAFs that only allow for binary attacks, Dung argumentation frameworks (AFs) as they are equivalent to the AFs introduced in [6].
Definition 2. Given a SETAFthe set {b | S → R b} of argument attacked by S (in R), and define the range of S (w.r.t. R), denoted S ⊕ R , as the set S ∪ S + R . Example 1. Recall the framework from the introduction, with arguments a, b, c where each pair of arguments jointly attacks the remaining argument. This is modeled by the SETAF (A, R) with arguments A = {a, b, c} and attacks R = {({a, b}, c), ({a, c}, b), ({b, c}, a)}. In fact, this SETAF has been already presented in Fig. 1. Note that we have that {a, b} → R c but neither {a} → R c nor {b} → R c for this SETAF. On the other hand {a, b, c} → R c indeed holds.The notions of conflict and defense naturally generalize to SETAFs.
Definition 3. Given a SETAFThe notion of defense can be equivalently characterized as follows: an argument a ∈ A is defended by a set S ⊆ A if for each (B, a) ∈ R we have S → R B.Next, we introduce the semantics we study in this work. Besides conflict-free and admissible sets, these are the naive, stable, preferred, complete, grounded, stage, and semi-stable semantics, which we will abbreviate by naive, stb, pref , com, grd, stage, and sem, respectively. All semantics except semistable and stage are defined according to [16], while semi-stable and stage are straight forward generalizations of the according semantics for Dung AFs [4,21], which have been independently proposed in [11,13]. For a given semantics σ , σ (F ) denotes the set of extensions of F under σ .