From recent Hall effect measurements and angle-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy the interesting picture emerges of co-existing hole-and electron-like quasiparticle bands, both in electron-and hole-doped superconducting cuprates. We reflect on the idea that bosonic electron-hole pairs may be formed in the cuprates and on the possibility that these pairs undergo Bose-Einstein condensation. The relevance to high-T c superconductivity in the cuprates will be discussed. [4,5]. The latter category is formed by the materials Ln 2-x Ce x CuO 4 , with Ln = La, Nd, Pr, Eu, or Sm [6]. In line with the classical BCS concepts, the superconductivity in these materials is considered to result from pairing of two holes into Cooperpairs with a charge of 2e for the p-type compounds and of two electrons into pairs of -2e charge for the n-type materials. The formation of bosonic pairs of two coupled fermionic particles has indeed been evidenced in the high-T c cuprates from the quantization of magnetic flux in a superconducting ring in units of the flux quantum Φ 0 = h/2e [7]. The mechanism of the pair formation in the high-T c cuprates is however still elusive and one of the unresolved questions is whether the mechanism depends principally on the sign of the charges constituting the pairs.