decidua (European larch) has a scattered natural area and is present in four geographic zones (Alps, Sudetan Mountains, Carpathians, and Central Poland), where local European larch have sometimes the status of subspecies or varieties (Biswas and Mohri, 1997). In Romania, the larch has a natural range, being gathered into 5 genetic centers: Ceahlau Mountains (1400-1450 m altitude), Ciucas (1000-1450 m), Bucegi (1200-1500 m), Lotru Mountains (670-1900 m with a maximum range in this area), and Apuseni Mountains (600-1200 m), and in many other plantations more than 200,000 cultivated ha (Mihai and Teodosiu, 2009). The origin of seed is mostly unknown, but probably in the old plantation the seed has Austrian origin.Larch breeding objectives include growth, stem form (crookedness), branching, and resistance to larch canker. There is ongoing research for traits such as heartwood formation and quality (Plomion et al., 2001). Larch heartwood is appreciated for its good mechanical properties, its color, and its texture, and it is often used outdoors for its natural durability (Gierlinger et al., 2004).