. 1994. Evaluation of lathyrus (Inth|rus sativus L.) as an ingredient in pig startiiand grower diets. Cun. J. Anim. . Seed from Inthyys sctivus L., with a low contenlof 6-N-oxalyj-L-a,p-diamino-propionic acid (ODAP), was evaluated as an,ingredient (LM) in swine-die^ts. The first experiment involved +5 pigs feO LM, coniainin g27 % protein (CP) and 3 g OD{P !g -.3t 0. 10, 20, 30 and 4O% of sqart-e1 liets (i0% CP) over a 6-wk'pEriod. In exp. 2, M;types bf f-U (O.q and,2.1 g ODAP kg ').were each included as 0, 10' 20 and 30 of mash diets fed to 84 pigs from jS to tOO kg liveweight.. The effects of pelleting and_supplementation with I and 2 g methionine kg-r, for LM diets Jontaining < 0.5 gbOel tg '. were examined in the final experiment using 80 groYlq finishing pigsllncreasing the LM content aSove 10% of the startEr diet reduced average daily.gains (A-DG) and feed intake (A?FI) but feed"6oiversion (gain/feed; G:F) was unaffected (P > 0.10). In exp. 2, ADG declined as the dietary content of either LM increased. The lower-bDAP LM-fed pigs had relatively higher ADFI (P < 0.01) and ADG (P < 0.05) but slightty lower G:F (P < 0.08). Consumption of lathyrujled to higher (P < 0.01) liver and kidney weightg 11d ]ow91 (P < 0.05) protein content in the longissimus doisi. Pelleting the diet impioved ADG (P < 0.01) and G:F (P < 0.05) but did not prevent the LM-effect on growtlirates. Increasing the tdtal sulfur amino acid content of the diet from 0.48 toO.66% had no beneficial effect on live or carcass measurements. [Jsing a method capable of detecting 100 ng ODAP per g fresh tissue, no_ residues were found in the loin muscle of LM-fed pigs. Th"e results sugg'est that anti-nutritive constituents (e.g. anti-trypsin and anti-chymotrypsin), rather than ODAP. limit the potential of lathvrus seed as a feedstuff for swine.Key words: Pig, lathyrus, growth, carcass, neurotoxin Castell, A. G., Cliplef, R. L., Briggs, C. J., Campbell, C. G. et Bruni, J. E. 1994 de TG au-deli de lO% de I'aliment de d6marrage provoquait un abaissement du GMQ et de I'ing6r6 alimentaire, mais I'indice de conversion n'6tait pas touch6 (P > 0,10). Dani I'exp6rience deux, le GMQ diminuait h mesure.que la proportion.des deux tourteaux de gesse augmentait. Les porcs consommant le tourteau de gesse d basse teneur en ODAP manifestaient un taux d'ingestion et un GMQ ielativerient plus 6lev6s (respectivement P < 0,01 et P < 0,05), mais un indice de conversion l6gdrement moins bon (P < O,OS). I-u consommation de geise entrainait I'augmentation (P < 0,01) du poids du_foie et des reins, mais une baisse (P i 0,05)'deia teneur en prot6ines d"u longissimus dorsilLa pr6sentation de ta ration sous forme d'agglom6r!am6liorait le GMQ (P < 0,01) et I'indice de consommation (P < 0,05), mais ne r6ussissait pas d contrer I'effet n6gatif du TG sur le.taux de croissance. L'accroissement de la teneur en acides amin6s soufr6s totaux de la ration de 0,48 d.0,66% n'avait pas d'effet favorable sur les performances de I'animal ni sur les mesures de la carcasse. L'utilisation d'une m6th...