investigated the partitioning of 7Be, 10Be,
and 210Pb aerosols between operationally dissolved
and >0.5 μm particulate fractions in wet and dry atmospheric
deposition. Bulk deposition in situ-log(K
) averaged 4.27 ± 0.46 for 7Be and 4.79 ± 0.59 for 210Pb (±SD, n = 163), with corresponding activity-fractions particulate
P) = 24 and 48%. K
was inversely correlated with particulate
mass concentration (p
), a particle concentration effect (p.c.e.) that indicates that dissolved 7Be and 210Pb are bound to submicron colloids. Experimental
was higher
than in situ by a factor of 20 for 7Be
and 4 for 210Pb (n = 27), indicating that
FRN sorption to particulates was irreversible. 7Be:10Be ratios confirmed that colloidal and particulate fractions
were geochemically distinct, with corresponding ages of 120 ±
30 and 260 ± 45 days, respectively [mean ± SE, n = 9, p = 0.011]. Fractions particulate f
Be7, f
Be10, and f
Pb210 each increased with 7Be:10Be bulk
age, a particle-age effect (p.a.e). In multiple regression, f
Be7 was best predicted by N,
Mn, Al, and Ni [R
2 = 0.75, p < 0.0001], whereas f
relied on N, S, Fe, and Mn [R
2 = 0.69, p < 0.0001]. Despite differences in
magnitude and controls on partitioning, the ratio f
converged to 1 with p
in the range of 10–100 mg L–1. Given
sufficient solid surfaces, irreversible sorption and p.a.e. form a
basis for 7Be:210Pb chronometry of aerosol biogeochemical