The shapes of plutons and their emplacement mechanisms, the connection between the volcanic and plutonic realms, and the development of batholiths have been of interest to geologists since they realized that plutons were once low viscosity magma. These issues have proven diffi cult to resolve because there are few places that have enough relief to expose the critical relations. The Great Bear magmatic zone, a Paleoproterozoic continental arc located in northern Canada's Wopmay orogen, provides an informative fi eld setting to resolve some of these issues because the rocks are generally non-metamorphosed and were broadly folded such that calderas, stratovolcanoes, and a wide variety of plutons are exposed in oblique cross-section on fold limbs in an area of subdued topographic relief.Early mafi c plutons intruded co-magmatic pillow basalt piles as thin sheets with aspect ratios of 10-15. Plutons of intermediate composition, temporally associated with andesitic stratocones, have fl at or slightly domical roofs and fl at fl oors, and aspect ratios in the range of 5-10. Granodioritic to monzodioritic plutons that cut thick sequences of ashfl ow tuff and related volcaniclastic rocks are generally sheet-like bodies with aspect ratios of 10-20, except where they intrude calderas and form resurgent plutons. Granitic plutons intrude at slightly deeper crustal levels, are generally younger, and typically have miarolytic cavities, pegmatites, and associated dike swarms. The granites have fl at roofs and fl oors but generally have lower aspect ratios than the intermediate composition plutons.Cycles-where magma bodies were fi rst partially evacuated by eruption, then were re-energized and rose into their own ejecta to form plutons-span the compositional range from basalt to rhyodacite. The cycle of eruption, with the partial evacuation of chambers and subsequent rise of remaining magma to even higher levels in the crust explains why it is generally so diffi cult to link volcanic eruptions to specifi c plutons.The overall development of the Great Bear magmatic zone-from small-scale local eruptions of basalt to voluminous eruptions of intermediate composition ash-fl ow tuff followed by wide-scale emplacement of granitic plutons-is interpreted to represent input of subduction-related magmas, which led to progressive heating, melting, and wholesale upward differentiation of the crust beneath the arc.