Seed and egg dormancy is a prevalent life-history trait in plants and invertebrates whose storage effect buffers against environmental variability, modulates species extinction in fragmented habitats, and increases genetic variation. Experimental evidence for reliable differences in dormancy over evolutionary scales (e.g., differences in seed banks between sister species) is scarce because complex ecological experiments in the field are needed to measure them. To cope with these difficulties, we developed an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) framework that integrates ecological information on population census sizes in the priors of the parameters, along with a coalescent model accounting simultaneously for seed banks and spatial genetic structuring of populations. We collected SNP data at seven nuclear loci (over 300 SNPs) using a combination of three spatial sampling schemes: population, pooled, and species-wide samples. We provide evidence for the existence of a seed bank in two wild tomato species (Solanum chilense and Solanum peruvianum) found in western South America. Although accounting for uncertainties in ecological data, we infer for each species (i) the past demography and (ii) ecological parameters, such as the germination rate, migration rates, and minimum number of demes in the metapopulation. The inferred difference in germination rate between the two species may reflect divergent seed dormancy adaptations, in agreement with previous population genetic analyses and the ecology of these two sister species: Seeds spend, on average, a shorter time in the soil in the specialist species (S. chilense) than in the generalist species (S. peruvianum).Bayesian analysis | bet-hedging | coalescent theory T he effective size of a population or species (N e ) defines its evolutionary potential because it determines the rate at which adaptive substitutions appear and get fixed (1), as well as the vulnerability to loss of genetic diversity by genetic drift. A fundamental question in plant evolutionary biology, and of practical relevance for conservation biology, is to understand how the census size of a population above ground (N cs ) is affected by ecological disturbances and how this process, in turn, affects the N e (2). Habitat loss and fragmentation attributable to human activities are indeed acute problems for conservation of spatially structured populations because they reduce deme sizes (N e and N cs ) and gene flow among demes. The genetic diversity, reflected by the N e , of many plant (and invertebrate) species, can be seen as an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg is composed of individuals observable above ground (N cs ), whereas the major part of the diversity is accounted for by among-population differences (3, 4) and seed banks (5-8).Most, if not all, plant and animal species exist as spatially structured populations (metapopulations) with many demes linked by migration, which may be subjected to extinction/ recolonization (9). Depending on extinction/recolonization rates and the type of group fo...