Chemical bonding present in crystalline solids has a significant impact on how heat moves through a lattice, and with the right chemical tuning, one can achieve extremely low thermal conductivity. The desire for intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity (κ lat ) has gained widespread attention in thermoelectrics, in refractories, and nowadays in photovoltaics and optoelectronics. Here we have synthesized a high-quality crystalline ingot of cubic metal halide CuBiI 4 and explored its chemical bonding and thermal transport properties. It exhibits an intrinsically ultralow κ lat of ∼0.34−0.28 W m −1 K −1 in the temperature range 4−423 K with an Umklapp crystalline peak of 1.82 W m −1 K −1 at 20 K, which is surprisingly lower than other copper-based halide or chalcogenide materials. The crystal orbital Hamilton population analysis shows that antibonding states generated just below the Fermi level (E f ), which arise from robust copper 3d and iodine 5p interactions, cause copper−iodide bond weakening, which leads to reduction of the elastic moduli and softens the lattice, finally to produce extremely low κ lat in CuBiI 4 . The chemical bonding hierarchy with mixed covalent and ionic interactions present in the complex crystal structure generates significant lattice anharmonicity and a low participation ratio in low-lying optical phonon modes originating mostly from localized copper−iodide bond vibrations. We have obtained experimental evidence of these low-lying modes by low-temperature specific heat capacity measurement as well as Raman spectroscopy. The presence of strong p−d antibonding interactions between copper and iodine leads to anharmonic soft crystal lattice which gives rise to low-energy localized optical phonon bands, suppressing the heat-carrying acoustic phonons to steer intrinsically ultralow κ lat in CuBiI 4 .