Double-diffusive processes enhance diapycnal mixing of heat and salt in the open ocean. However, observationally based evidence of the effects of double-diffusive mixing on the global ocean circulation is lacking. Here we analyze the occurrence of double-diffusive thermohaline staircases in a dataset containing over 480,000 temperature and salinity profiles from Argo floats and Ice-Tethered Profilers. We show that about 14% of all profiles contains thermohaline staircases that appear clustered in specific regions, with one hitherto unknown cluster overlying the westward flowing waters of the Tasman Leakage. We estimate the combined contribution of double-diffusive fluxes in all thermohaline staircases to the global ocean’s mechanical energy budget as 7.5 GW [0.1 GW; 32.8 GW]. This is small compared to the estimated energy required to maintain the observed ocean stratification of roughly 2 TW. Nevertheless, we suggest that the regional effects, for example near Australia, could be pronounced.