Abstract. As knowledge about the cirrus clouds in the lower stratosphere is limited, reliable long-term measurements are needed to assess their characteristics, radiative impact and important role in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) chemistry. To investigate the global and seasonal distribution of stratospheric cirrus clouds, we used the latest version (V4.x) of the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) and Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) data. For the identification of stratospheric cirrus clouds, precise information on both, the cloud top height (CTH) and the tropopause height is crucial. Here, we used lapse rate tropopause heights estimated from the ERA-Interim global reanalysis. Considering the uncertainties of the tropopause heights and the vertical sampling grid of the CALIPSO data, we considered cirrus clouds with CTHs more than 0.5 km above the tropopause as being stratospheric. We focused on nighttime CALIPSO measurements, because of their higher detection sensitivity. A six-year mean (2006–2012) global distribution of stratospheric cirrus cloud from CALIPSO showed that higher CTH occurrence frequencies are observed in the tropics than in the extra-tropics. Tropical hotspots of stratospheric cirrus clouds associated with deep convection are located over Equatorial Africa, South and Southeast Asia, the western Pacific and South America. Stratospheric cirrus clouds were more often detected in December–February (15 %) than June–August (8 %) in the tropics (± 20°). At middle (40–60°) and higher latitudes (> 60°), CALIPSO observed on average about 2 % stratospheric cirrus clouds. Observations of stratospheric cirrus cloud with MIPAS are presented here for the first time. Taking into account the MIPAS vertical sampling and broad field of view, we considered cirrus CTHs detected not less than 0.75 km above the tropopause as being stratospheric. Compared to CALIPSO, MIPAS observed twice as many stratospheric cirrus clouds at northern and southern middle latitudes (occurrence frequencies of 4–5 % for MIPAS rather than about 2 % for CALIPSO). We attribute more frequent observations of stratospheric cirrus clouds with MIPAS to higher detection sensitivity of the instrument to optically thin clouds. Sensitivity tests on MIPAS stratospheric cloud detections have been conducted to rule out sampling artefacts. Future work should focus on better understanding the origin of the stratospheric cirrus clouds and their impact on radiative forcing and climate.