11Regulation of molecular transport via intercellular channels called plasmodesmata (PDs) is 12 important for both coordinating developmental and environmental responses among 13 neighbouring cells, and isolating (groups of) cells to execute distinct programs. Cell-to-cell mobility 14 of fluorescent molecules and PD dimensions (measured from electron micrographs) are both used 15 as methods to predict PD transport capacity (i.e., effective symplasmic permeability), but often yield 16 very different values. Here, we build a theoretical bridge between both experimental approaches 17 by calculating the effective symplasmic permeability from a geometrical description of individual 18 PDs and considering the flow towards them. We find that a dilated central region has the strongest 19 impact in thick cell walls and that clustering of PDs into pit fields strongly reduces predicted 20 permeabilities. Moreover, our open source multi-level model allows to predict PD dimensions 21 matching measured permeabilities and add a functional interpretation to structural differences 22 observed between PDs in different cell walls. 23 24 51 are embryo or seedling lethal, highlighting the importance of these structures for normal plant 52 development (Kim et al., 2002; Benitez-Alfonso et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2012). 53 Small molecules can move via PD by diffusion (non-targeted transport). This is considered to 54 be predominantly symmetrical (Schönknecht et al., 2008; Maule, 2008), while in certain tissues, 55 such as secreting trichomes (Waigmann and Zambryski, 1995; Gunning and Hughes, 1976) and the 56 phloem (Ross-Elliott et al., 2017;Comtet et al., 2017), hydrodynamic flow may create directionality. 57 The maximum size of molecules that can move by this generic "passive" pathway is often referred to 58 2 of 38 Manuscript submitted to eLife as the "size exclusion limit" (SEL), which obviously depends on PD properties and structural features 59 (Dashevskaya et al., 2008). Large molecules can move through PD via an ''active" or "targeted" 60 pathway overriding the defined SEL. This may involve additional factors that temporarily modify 61 these substrates, target them to the PDs, or induce transient modifications of the PDs to allow for 62 the passage of larger molecules in a highly substrate dependent fashion (Zambryski and Crawford, 63 2000; Maule et al., 2011). 64 Computational modelling approaches have been applied to model PD transport but, so far, 65 these have mainly focused on hydrodynamic flow and the specific tissues where that matters (Blake, 66 1978; Bret-Harte and Silk, 1994; Jensen et al., 2012; Ross-Elliott et al., 2017; Comtet et al., 2017; 67 Foster and Miklavcic, 2017; Couvreur et al., 2018). The few existing studies on diffusive transport 68 do not consider neck constrictions or the approach to PDs from the cytoplasmic bulk. Most models 69 consider PDs as straight channels, with advective/diffusive transport through an unobstructed 70 cytosolic sleeve and typically, but not always, accou...