Recent demonstrations that female reproductive physiology is highly responsive to environmental factors have led to a growing appreciation of the extent of variation in reproductive function and the adaptive nature of much of that variation. Male reproductive function has received much less attention from anthropologists, whether as an aspect of human variation, as a possible contributor to population variation in fertility, or as the product of selective pressures. Yet, an understanding of male reproductive function, along with that of females, is obviously important for a complete picture of human evolutionary ecology. We review our current understanding of male reproductive function, its response to environmental factors, and implications for male fecundity. Studies among Western populations indicate that male reproductive function is sensitive to environmental stresses, including weight loss, dietary composition, exercise, disease, and psychological stress. Indices of reproductive physiology among males in some non-Western populations are consistent with the notion that chronic environmental stresses can lead to suppression of testicular function. The specific causes of this suppression are not known, nor are the implications, if any, for male fecundity and fertility understood. Further research on males is called for, including the effects of hormonal changes on reproductive behavior and characterization of reproductive function in a wider range of populations. Evolutionary models of the selection pressures underlying male reproductive function should be helpful in focusing these investigations. Despite initial skepticism, recent work in the reproductive ecology of females has demonstrated convincingly that environmental circumstances can have a significant impact on reproductive function (see Ellison [1991, 19941 for a recent comprehensive review). In contrast, the effect of ecological factors on male reproductive function has barely been explored. There is substantial evidence from Western populations (reviewed in the following sections) that testicular function can be suppressed by exercise, weight loss, diet, and psychological stress. Furthermore, testicular function in some anthropological populations is suppressed or truncated compared to that of Western populations (Bentley et al., 1993;KL Campbell, 1994;Christiansen, 1991;Ellison et al., 1989). Yet we remain largely ignorant of the impact of environmental factors on reproductive function among males in non-Western populations.The lack of attention to male reproductive ecology stems from a long-standing orientation toward females in demographic studies of fertility, justified by the observation that women are much more likely than men to be the limiting factor in fertility. In addition, two-sex models of fertility or population replacement were 0 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.