One of the applications of graphene in whichi ts scalable production is of utmost importance is the development of polymer composites. Amongt he techniques used to produce graphene flakes,t he liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) of graphite stands out due to its versatility and scalability.H owever,s olvents suitable for the LPE processa re generally toxic and have ah igh boilingp oint, making the processing challenging. The use of low boiling point solvents could be convenient for the processing, due to the easiness of their removal. In this study,the use of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) as as tabilizing agent is proposed for the production of graphene flakes in al ow boiling point solvent, that is, acetone. The graphene dispersions produced in the mixture acetone-PMMA have higherc oncentration, + 175 %, and contain ah igher percentageo ff ew-layer graphene flakes (< 5layers), that is, + 60 %, compared to the dispersions preparedi na cetone. The as-produced graphene dispersions are used to develop graphene/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene composites. The mechanical properties of the pristine polymer are improved, that is, + 22 %i nt he Young's modulus, by adding 0.01 wt. %o fg raphene flakes. Moreover, ad ecrease of % 20 %i nt he oxygen permeability is obtained by using 0.1wt. %o fg raphene flakes filler,c ompared to the unloaded matrix.[a] S.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.