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AbstractIn this paper, we analyze a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model on how water resilience a¤acts economic growth and dynamic welfare with special reference to South Africa. While water may become a limiting factor for future development in general, as a drought prone and water poor country with rapid population growth, South Africa may face more serious challenges for sustainable development in the future. Using the model, we conduct numerical simulation for di¤erent parameter con…gurations with varying discount rate, climate change assumption, and the degree of uncertainty in future precipitation. We …nd that with su¢ cient capital accumulation, development can still be made sustainable despite of increased future water scarcity and decreased long-run sustianable welfare; While stochastic variation in precipitation has a negatively e¤ect on water resilience and the expected dynamic welfare, the e¤ect is mitigated by persistence in the precipitation pattern. With heavier time discounting and lower capital formation, however, the current welfare may not be sustained.JEL: O4, D6, Q25, O55