We evaluated the thicknesses of domain walls (DWs) in rhombohedral BiFeO 3 thin films epitaxially grown on SrRuO 3 -covered SrTiO 3 (100), (110), and (111) single crystals by scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy (SNDM). The SNDM phase signal revealed an abrupt change in the sign of polarization components normal to the surface at DWs within one or two unit cells. On the other hand, the SNDM amplitude signals gradually changed across DWs, corresponding to the change in the electrostatic potential. The minimum thicknesses estimated from the SNDM amplitude signals are 4, 1, and 2 nm for 71, 109, and 180°DWs, respectively. The relationship between these DW thicknesses and the nature and situation of DWs is discussed taking account of the polarization configuration in adjacent domains.