Abstract-A transverse-magnetic-pass (TM-pass) optical polarizer based on Cu complementary metal-oxidesemiconductor technology platform is proposed and analyzed using the 2-D method-of-lines numerical model. In designing the optimum configuration for the polarizer, it was found that the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) polarizer structure is superior compared to the insulator-metal-insulator polarizer structure due to its higher polarization extinction ratio (PER) and low insertion loss. An optimized MIM TM-pass polarizer exhibits simulated long wavelength pass filter characteristics of >∼1.2 µm, with fundamental TM 0 and TE 0 mode transmissivity of >70% and <5%, respectively, and with PER ∼11.5 dB in the wavelength range of 1.2-1.6 µm. The subwavelength and submicrometer features of this TM-polarizer are potentially suitable for compact and low power photonics integrated circuit implementation on silicon-based substrates.Index Terms-Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor compatible, integrated photonics, numerical method, optical polarizer, silicon photonics.