Thinking about the importance of teaching the Arts in Early Childhood Education, this research debates the understanding of teachers who work with this stage of Basic Education about the Arts and its importance in the teaching and learning process of young children. Therefore, the research was carried out in two school units in the city of Tocantinópolis. The methodological contribution used in this work is qualitative research, with the use of interviews and support of Cultural History for analysis of information. We interviewed four teachers from the city of Tocantinópolis who work in two schools of early childhood education, in the two modalities of early childhood education: daycare and preschool. The research shows the lack of training in Arts by the teachers who work at this stage, as well as the predominance of work with the Visual Arts at the expense of other artistic languages: Theater, Dance and Music. In addition, it is possible to realize that although teachers do not have training in Arts, they have shown to enjoy working with the area and value the importance of Arts in the lives of children, as well as their teaching potential in Early Childhood Education.