Abstract-In the present study, the technological memory was analyzed as a teaching management tool for the development of Social Promotion projects at the University of La Guajira, Fonseca headquarters, Colombia. 62 teachers were consulted using as an instrument a scale of opinion, to diagnose the management carried out by the teachers, to determine if they make use of the technological memory as a management tool and to describe the projects of Social Promotion. The results allow concluding that teachers reflect weaknesses related to the application of managerial functions. In addition, they show few competences related to the prevention of participation, innovation, dynamization and methodology in the development of Social Promotion projects. Consequently, it is recommended to guide the management of the teacher in terms of the development of Social Promotion projects using the Technology Memory.Keyword-Social Promotion Projects, resources control, educational actors, dynamization I. INTRODUCTION The amount of information that is generated, makes society based on knowledge and due to the diffusion caused by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the education system is required to constitute a vision where the way in which it changes it is possible to build and consolidate learning, to improve the quality of education and to reform the way information is obtained and managed [1]. Consequently, education and teaching institutions try to avoid traditional methods despite their validity and successful results, and focus their interest on the most productive methods that improve the learning experience and the intellectual level of students [2]. That is why they have generated multiple discussions, forums, talks and research on the profile of the teacher that is needed to train human beings able to perform in a computerized and technified society.From this perspective, current educational organizations must be framed in dimensions of change, so that their management process requires committed, innovative teachers, capable of challenging the technical, scientific and social advances required by the scenarios demanded by society. That is, the teacher needs to have solid conceptual bases and skills to administer the classes in such a way that knowledge is correctly established [3]. In this regard, the Echelon higher theory focuses on the characteristics of senior managers, such as age, function marks, other professional experience, education, socioeconomic roots, financial status, and group characteristics [4]. The theory states that the results of the organization, strategic decisions and performance levels are partially predicted by the management characteristics [5].Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the management skills and ICT skills of teachers for the development of projects, using technology memory. In this regard, in [6] they related the management skills of distance teachers with the education of the conventional ones, in order to ensure the quality of training. Likewise, in [7] they identifi...