The Romanian balneary potential is generous, especially at the level of the Vâlcea spa resorts. Represented by mineral water, sapropelic mud or Mofetta gases, balneary therapy has captured the attention of a significant number of tourists attracted by beneficial physical and mental effects. Băile Govora is one of the Vâlcea resorts, whose hydromineral background has favored the development of the town, both from a tourist and economic point of view. The quality of mineral waters has been extensively studied, the benefits of mineral waters bringing the resort's reputation. From 1887 (the year when salt water was discovered) to the present day, the tourism at the level of the Băile Govora resort increased, a fact determined by the significant number of tourists. The accommodation and treatment infrastructure plays a very important role in the development of the resort. It is intended that the study highlight the necessity of tourism capitalization of the locality, by modernizing the exploitation units and the treatment base, and the exclusive spa promotion of the resort.