The development of additional extraction surfactants for membrane proteins is necessary for membrane protein research, since optimal combinations for the successful extraction of target membrane proteins from biological membranes that minimize protein denaturation are hard to predict. In particular, those that have a unique basal molecular framework are quite attractive and highly desired in this research field. In this study, we successfully constructed a new extraction surfactant for membrane proteins, NPDGCKK, from the peptide-gemini-surfactant (PG-surfactant) molecular framework. The PG-surfactant is a U-shaped lipopeptide scaffold, consisting of a short linker peptide (-X-) between two long alkyl-chain-modified Cys residues and a peripheral peptide (Y-) at the N-terminal side of long alkyl-chain-modified Cys residues. Using photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) derived from Thermosynecoccus vulcanus as representative membrane proteins, we evaluated whether NPDGCKK could solubilize membrane proteins while maintaining structure and functions. Neither the membrane integral domain nor the cytoplasmic domain of PSI and PSII suffered any damage upon the use of NPDGCKK based on detailed photophysical measurements. Using thylakoid membranes of T. vulcanus as a representative biological membrane sample, we performed experiments to extract membrane proteins, such as PSI and PSII. Based on the extraction efficiency and maintenance of protein supramolecular structure established using clear native-PAGE analyses, we proved that NPDGCKK functions as a novel class of peptide-containing extraction surfactants for membrane proteins.