This study aimed to compare the microbiological and physicochemical quality of raw milk from individual and collective tanks, identify the psychrotrophic microbiota of refrigerated raw milk and verify compliance with current legislation. The enumeration of proteolytic and lipolytic psychrotrophs, as well as, populations of mesophilic aerobes, total coliforms, E. coli and enterobacteria was carried out. The psychrotrophic microbiota was characterized by morpho-tinctorial tests. Determination of fat content, protein, lactose, total solids, titratable acidity, cryoscopic index and somatic cells count (SCC) were also conducted. The average counts of mesophilic aerobes did not met the minimum quality requirements; however, the average results of SCC and the physicochemical parameters were in accordance with Brazilian legislation. The psychrotrophs counts were on average 90% of the total count of mesophilic aerobes, with psychrotrophic population of less than 6 log CFU/ml. A high percentage of proteolytic and lipolytic psychrotrophs in relation to psychrotrophs total counts was found. Considering the two weeks testing, there was a significant difference (P> 0.05) between milk samples from collective and individual tanks only for total coliforms and for protein and lactose contents. Although the predominant psychrotrophic microbiota was Gram negative bacilli, but Gram positive bacteria were also found. Thus, the population of mesophilic aerobes in disagreement with the legislation and the high counts of psychrotrophic and Gram negative population in milk are indicative that yet, there are problems in the sanitary-hygienic production, storage and transportation of refrigerated raw milk produced in the region studied. Therefore, there is a gap between the practices recommended by legislation and the actions really found in the Brazilian milk production chain.
ResumoEste estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química de leite cru proveniente de tanques individuais e coletivos, identificar a microbiota psicrotrófica do leite cru refrigerado e verificar o cumprimento da legislação vigente para este alimento. Realizou-se a contagem da microbiota de psicrotróficos, proteolíticos, lipolíticos, aeróbios mesófilos, coliformes totais, E. coli e enterobactérias. A microbiota psicrotrófica foi caracterizada através de testes morfotintoriais. Análises dos teores de gordura, proteína, lactose, sólidos totais, acidez titulável, índice crioscópico e contagem de células somáticas (CCS) também foram realizados. As contagens médias de aeróbios mesófilos não atenderam aos requisitos mínimos de qualidade, já os resultados médios de CCS e os parâmetros físico-químicos estudados estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente. A contagem de psicrotróficos foi, em média, 90% da contagem total de aeróbios mesófilos, com contagens de psicrotróficos menores que 6 log UFC/ml. Foi encontrada alta porcentagem de proteolíticos e lipolíticos em relação à contagem total de psicrotróficos. Considerando as duas semanas...