2 Vin~a In sti tute of Nu clear Sci ences, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia 3 Fac ulty of Tech nol ogy and Met al lurgy, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia Technical pa per http://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP1704381FIn this pa per we give an over view of ra di a tion ef fects in emer gent, non-vol a tile mem ory technol o gies. In ves ti ga tions into ra di a tion hard ness of re sis tive ran dom ac cess mem ory, ferro electric ran dom ac cess mem ory, mag neto-re sis tive ran dom ac cess mem ory, and phase change mem ory are pre sented in cases where these mem ory de vices were sub jected to dif fer ent types of ra di a tion. The ob tained re sults proved high ra di a tion tol er ance of stud ied de vices mak ing them good can di dates for ap pli ca tion in ra di a tion-in ten sive en vi ron ments. Key words: non-vol a tile mem ory, ra di a tion ef fect, re sis tive RAM, ferro elec tric RAM, mag neto-re sis tive RAM, phase change mem ory I. S. Fetahovi}, et al.: Over view of Ra di a tion